The OneChemistry symposium series is an annual out-of-the-box scientific gathering hosted by the Hopkins Chemistry Department. It aims to stimulate discussion and engagement between chemists and other scientists on topics which are at the leading edge of research and are of likely critical future societal importance. These meetings are rooted in the recognition that there are grand challenges that can only be solved through the broad use of chemical principles and tools.
The topics of the symposia will vary from year to year. Suggestions from the chemical sciences community at Hopkins and beyond are welcome.
The OneChemistry Symposium was founded in 2017 as part of the hire of Gompf Family Professor Rigoberto Hernandez. The first symposium was chaired by Hernandez, Ken Karlin and Tom Kempa. The university is committed to running the OneChemistry Symposium for the first five years. Contributions for this out-of-the-box approach to advancing the chemical sciences are welcome.